This article will help you provide the general requirements needed for the implementation of Odoo. This list does not contain module specific requirements. Module specif requirements, are requested separately.
Adding a Company in Odoo:
- Company name as you want it to appear on the company invoice.
- Company address as you want it to appear on the company invoice.
- Phone, Email, Website, Tax ID, and Company Registry as you want them to appear on the company invoice.
- Main company currency, to be used as the main reporting currency in the invoices, and financial reports.
- Main company logo, to appear on login screen and company invoices. Logo format should be in 1000px by 1000px in jpg or png.
This is to be repeated for each company being implemented in Odoo.
Adding a Company User in Odoo:
- Full Name.
- Email address.
- Default company.
- Companies this user can access.
- Profile photo for this user, format should be in 1000px by 1000px in jpg or png.
- User interface language.
- User time zone.
- Access rights in Odoo can be given to a user by adding them to a group with the necessary access rights. Groups are configured in Odoo by default and optimized for specific roles. If you have certain concerns or custom access rights that you would like to implement, this is the time to report it to Greens247.
This is to be repeated for each company user to be added, it can be provided to the implementation team as a spread sheet.
Odoo General Settings applicable to all companies:
- Additional languages that will be available to company users.
- Business documents paper size is A4 by default, if you want to change it, now is the time to inform Greens247 with the paper size used by your company for printing invoices for example.
- Document layout. We will create a nice document layout for you. If you want the invoices to look in a certain way, please provide the design now.
- Do you want to enable external email servers, to handle notifications for users and customers/suppliers. This will give you the ability to send electronic invoices to your customers.
- Do you want to enable password reset to users when they forget their password? Mail server feature need to be enabled for this to work.
- Do you want to enable export & import of CSV/XLS/XLSX/ODS files
- Do you want to enable your customers to signup and login and see their documents? This can be set to invitation only to limit access to selective customers.
- Unites of measure to be used:
Weight unit of measure will be kilogram or pounds?
Volume unit of measure will be cubic meters or cubic feet? - Do you want to enable reCAPTCHA to protect your forms from spam and abuse?
reCAPTCHA is Easy on Humans and Hard on Bots. If will ask the user to verify that he is not a bot using a series of tests. This can help protect the stability of your environment from abusive denial of service attacks on your forms.